Băile Herculane

Băile Herculane is a spa located in Caras-Severin county, in southwestern Romania at a distance of 41 km northwest of Drobeta-Turnu Severin in the Mehedinţi county.

Băile Herculane Spa is first mentioned in documents, in the year 153 AD and is a permanent attraction, due to the healing power of its water. It has aqueducts, baths and hot springs from Roman times. The beauty of the place where Băile Herculane spa is located, can not be described in words, but you must see it with your own eyes.

Therapeutic indications:

  • rheumatism;
  • spondylosis;
  • post-traumatic joint stiffness;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • paresis, paralysis;
  • respiratory and cardiovascular diseases;
  • Eye disorders;
  • degenerative arthritis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • cure of headache and insomnia;

Resources for the treatment:

The spa has hot thermal mineral water that contains bicarbonate, chlorine and a little sulfur. There are water sources with a temperature between 38 and 53 degrees Celsius, and a number between 46 and 56 degrees Celsius.

There are 16 known thermal springs, which have a high radioactivity, and can be compared with the sources in the spas of Vichy and Mont Dore.

The ionization occurs naturally. Atmospheric ions penetrate the lungs and have a direct effect on the body.

Options of treatment:

The spa is equipped to treat with:

  • massage therapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • functional rehabilitation;
  • acupuncture;
  • and other.


In the spa there is a pleasant climate with Mediterranean influences.

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