Eforie Nord

Spa Eforie Nord is located on the Black Sea coast, at a distance of 14 km of Constanta, and is open all year round.

Therapeutic indications:

  • degenerative diseases (cervical, dorsal or lumbar);
  • inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid spondylitis and rheumatoid);
  • diartritice rheumatic disorders (tendinitis, tendomiozita, periarthritis scaoulohumerala);
  • diseases of the nervous system, peripheral (post-traumatic paralysis and paresis of the limbs, sequelae of poliomyelitis);
  • dermatological, respiratory and gynecological diseases (ovarian insufficiency, chronic cervicitis, secondary infertility, etc..);
  • Growth retardation in children, rickets, decalcification, secondary anemia, etc..

On the shores of Lake Techirghiol is a complex for the treatment in the open air, equipped with facilities to rub with the cold mud from the lake.

Resources for the treatment:

  • marine environment;
  • sea water;
  • healing mud from Lake Techirghiol;
  • salt water of Lake Techirghiol.

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