Slănic Prahova

Slănic Prahova is a permanently open resort in Prahova district, 45 km north of Ploiesti, the capital of the district and 100 km from Bucureşti, at an altitude of 415 m. The spa is categorized as being of national importance.
It is characterized as being beneficial for both the wealth of resources for treatment, mild temperate climate and beautiful places.
Lying not far from the last peaks of the mountains, the city Slănic Prahova continuous develops, both the treatment options and the possibility of an enjoyable and relaxing vacation.
Slănic Prahova offers a range of natural resourcements for healing of which we call the mountain climate, so that the spa can tackle a broad category of diseases , natural lakes with hyper concentrated sodium chloride (Baia Baciului, Grota Miresei, Lacul Porcilor, Baia Rosie and Baia Verde) and the microclimate of the Unirea salt mine, plus the foundations of modern treatment in the spa hotels Slănic and Capitol in Valenii de Munte.
Here in Slănic Prahova is a not-covered salt mountain, which has been appointed nature reserve, and the picturesque Miresii lake, and cave Miresii.
Therapeutic indications:
- chronic respiratory diseases and chronic pathological diseases in the area of ENT (AB, COPD, IACR, nose and chronic sinusitis, laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis);
- chronic inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic diseases, rheumatism abarticular;
- neurological diseases (hemiparesis, para-and tetrapareze, peripheral paresis, peripheral neuropathy);
- Recent post-traumatic patients;
- nutritional and metabolic diseases (gout, obesity);
- dermatologic diseases (psoriazis);
- endocrine (glandular hiposecretii);
- depression, neurosis, anxiety;
- gynecological inflammation.
Resources for the treatment:
In the spa a sanatorium is created by transforming an old salt mine (Mina Unirea), where respiratory diseases are treated with the microclimate of salt air.
There are also beaches and terraces constructed and modern baths complexes.
The center has resources with healing mineral water.
Options of treatment:
- baths with hot and cold mineral water;
- specific gynecological treatments;
- facilities for electro-therapy;
- applying warm mud.
Temperate climate, the resort is located in the vicinity of mountains at an altitude of more than 400 m.
Here one knows pleasant summers (average temperature 19 degrees Celsius), and mild winters in the month of January the average temperature is -3 degrees Celsius.